This is a poem about those who steal from the public purse, go away and squander the money, then return to steal again; not even considering the impacts of their actions. Their are many out there.
Leeches! O leeches!
How they appear so placid;
Such smooth and idle things.
How they lay in wait, then
Spring upon them that wantonly walk,
Then coldly embrace.
Then suck! O they suck!
How they suck the life – the life!
And suck! And suck!
Full! they fade into seeming oblivion,
Then again how they appear innocent.
Such smooth and idle things.
They hear not cries, nor see tears,
But suck! O suck is all they know.
And when cries reach the sky above,
Would they hear and retreat?
These smooth and idles things!
Again they suck! such smooth
And idle things. How they
Appear so placid!
Leeches! O leeches!
How they appear so placid;
Such smooth and idle things.
How they lay in wait, then
Spring upon them that wantonly walk,
Then coldly embrace.
Then suck! O they suck!
How they suck the life – the life!
And suck! And suck!
Full! they fade into seeming oblivion,
Then again how they appear innocent.
Such smooth and idle things.
They hear not cries, nor see tears,
But suck! O suck is all they know.
And when cries reach the sky above,
Would they hear and retreat?
These smooth and idles things!
Again they suck! such smooth
And idle things. How they
Appear so placid!