

Poetry, poetry, and poetry! And my rants about life in general in Papua New Guinea.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wings of hope

A dedication to third level airlines in PNG.

Wings of hope

On their gentle wings,
Women and children fly.
And sickman eventually finds
Peace, healing and more.

O how they grace the skies,
And hope they bring to many
A forgotten soul who, under
Cloud cover and thick jungles
Speak of dreams of hope.

And gather in enthusiastic crowds,
With smiles the sun and the moon,
Can only hope for in their brightest.

Then their dreams fly,
Into clouds to sing to others who
Can hear and let their hearts beat.

To a disharmony that pervades
Many a fine land on cruel ridges,
In deep valleys and on lonely islands,
Where the sun and the moon
Mock day and night.

O these birds, sounds of technology
That grace our skies thru thick and thin;
Aren’t they our wings of hope?

1 comment:

  1. Hai Jefibi... I am From west Papua. I Join on your blog. Join back on my blog please. Thaks.
